12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

Let’s talk about 12 steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse.


We hear a lot about how we must love ourselves!  It’s a popular concept right now.  But if you grew up in abusive or abandoning environments, where do you even start with that?  On your life journey so far, you’ve most probably been taught NOT to love yourself.  You have been shown that your value is less than.  You have been made to feel worthless and small.  Self-love is so important for your emotional well-being, personal growth, and for building solid relationships with others.


But what, exactly, is self-love, and why is it so important? 


12 steps to self love after physical abuse


Imagine self-love as the nurturing soil from which your soul can grow.  A garden of resilience, compassion, and contentment.  It’s giving yourself grace, understanding you do have real value, despite your imperfections.  If you think self-love sounds selfish…it’s time to re-think that.  Self love is the foundation from which you can give and receive love.  In short, it is essential for a good, happy life.


So, as someone who has no idea where to start, how can you begin to cultivate self love in your life?


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12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

1. Seek Professional Help


If you have not already done so, consider working with a trauma informed therapist or counselor.  They can provide guidance, support, and techniques to help you heal and rebuild your self-esteem.  They can be your ally in this journey to healing.


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind and patient with yourself. Understand that healing takes time, and it’s okay to have moments of vulnerability. Treat yourself with the same kindness you would offer to a friend.  


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

3. Set Boundaries


Begin to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships to protect yourself from further harm. Learning to say “no” when necessary and asserting your limits is empowering and a crucial aspect of self-love. Setting boundaries can be challenging at first but take it step by step and do what is good for you and for your mental health Mastering Boundaries 10 Powerful Strategies


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

4. Journaling

Keep a journal to express your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When you write down how you feel, it can help you process your emotions, gain clarity, and track your progress on this journey to self-love.  What happened?  How did you feel about it?  What insecurities came up? What triggered you? Understanding who you are will allow you to see your innate beauty.  Make journaling part of your day and write, write, write!


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

5. Affirmations


Affirmations are everything.  Find or create positive affirmations that counteract negative self-talk. Use affirmations that speak to your soul, that make you feel a shift in your consciousness.  Repeat these affirmations daily to start to change the self-doubt and programming you have been holding onto since birth.


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

6. Self-Care


Loving yourself includes caring for yourself.  Prioritize self-care practices that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Do things that you love!  Actively make things happen in your week that bring your joy.  Book that massage, buy tickets to that show you want to see, take a long bubble bath.  Exercise and eat well.  If you love to meditate, make sure you create the time and space to actually do it!  Prioritise sleep and allow yourself a lie-in on the weekends.


12 steps to self love after physical abuse


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

7. Forgiveness


Consider forgiveness, not for the abuser but for yourself. When you can let go of anger and resentment it can totally free you from the emotional weight of the past and open the door to self-love. 


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

8. Surround Yourself with Supportive People


Build a support network of friends and loved ones who uplift and encourage you. Seek out relationships that are based on respect, trust, and empathy.  Join a group of like-minded people.  Participate in activities in your local area.  

12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse


9. Set Goals


What do YOU really want to do with your life?  Not what others expect of you…. YOU?  Create a list of short-term and long-term goals for yourself.  When you set goals, you are giving yourself purpose.  Achieving goals will boost your confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment.  This is YOUR LIFE!  You get to do what you want to do with it.


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

10. Engage in Activities You Love


Give yourself permission to reconnect with hobbies and activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Doing things you’re passionate about can reignite your sense of self, because you are unique and what sets your soul on fire will be different to the next person.  When you are lit up you love your life and you love yourself!


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

11. Educate Yourself


The best way to take a huge step forward in your life is to be informed.  Spend time learning about the impact of abuse on self-esteem and self-worth. Understanding the psychological effects of what has happened to you can help you better overcome these challenges. A Beginner’s Guide To Trauma With Dr Reshie Joseph


12 Steps To Self Love After Physical Abuse

12. Celebrate Your Progress


Celebrate every small victory on your journey to self-love. When you begin to see the changes in yourself, be proud!  Take time to recognize your growth and resilience, and acknowledge what you have achieved. 


12 steps to self love after physical abuse


Finding self-love is a deeply personal process. It doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time and patience.  It is totally okay to have moments of doubt or struggle, but with determination and self-compassion, you can rebuild your self-esteem and nurture a profound sense of love and acceptance for yourself.


Through the 12 tips we’ve discussed, you now have the tools to navigate this challenging journey. Above all, remember that healing is your birthright. You deserve a life free from the scars of abuse.  You deserve a life filled with love, joy, and empowerment. It’s okay to seek help, lean on others, and embrace self-care as you rebuild. Your journey may not be easy, but it is uniquely yours, and you have the absolute power to re-write your story.

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